The Ultimate Transformation Program is supported by neuroscience, psychology, with an infusion of spirituality. Backed by science to guarantee transformation.


 It's time you reclaim your confidence & create an extraordinary, soul-filling life.


Imagine feeling inspired in all areas of your life, including a romantic partnership that lights you up, financial freedom, and passion at work. 

Imagine overcoming the fears that hold you back in life, healing your traumas, and becoming unapologetically confident in yourself. 


Loving your body and feeling confident every time you look in the mirror.

You Want to Feel Radiant,  Yet...

You aren't happy or fulfilled in life, which turns into judgement of self and others

You  try to control things in life, but this leaves you feeling more out of control

You put others needs before your own - causing burnout & resentment

You're constantly overwhelmed with a never ending to-do list

You have a hard time asking for help and rarely accept it when offered

You attract toxic relationships and don't know how to set boundaries 

Do any of these resonate?

You don't feel confident in your body, yet feel you've tried everything

You're often in masculine energy which drains you, or you find yourself in victim mentality

What is the Ultimate Transformation Program?

Are you ready to live a life beyond your wildest dreams?

With my comprehensive coaching each week, you’ll finally see the results you’ve been craving while learning how to maintain them.

But more importantly, you will see drastic changes in all areas of your life and start to watch your visions become reality.

Each session we will explore topics such as creating your dream life, cultivating a career you love, living with purpose, healing broken relationships, how to manifest, including your dream relationship, and so much more.

The Ultimate Transformation Program is unlike anything you've ever seen or experienced.

It’s closer than you think.
Welcome to the once-a-year, 4-month group program; a supportive space designed to help you fall in love with yourself in ways you never imagined possible.

It’s time you live a life full of color, inspiration, and passion. It’s time you get the results you’ve wanted for years and to feel fulfilled in all areas of your life.

You deserve to give yourself this gift of healing, community, and deep support.

This course gives you the education, tools (including the Dream Binder), practices, rituals and deep support network to create a life you feel inspired by every day, so you too can live  unapologetically in all areas of your life.

Get ready to see radical transformation in your health and body, love life, and to begin living with passion and purpose.


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An example of what you’ll learn….

How to Manifest Anything You Want

How To Lose Weight & Keep It Off

Experiencing Ultimate Confidence

Overcoming Your Biggest Fears

(Re-)Finding Your Soulmate

Tapping Into Your Own Power

And so much more...

Identifying Toxic People 

How To Fall In Love With Yourself

Have More Fulfilling Relationships

How to quiet the monkey mind, once & for all

The Dream Binder - Unique To This Program

Creating A Career You Love

Overcome Being A People Pleaser

Learning To Set Boundaries

Transformation starts with YOU!

UTP takes a deep dive into everything about who you are, your relationship to food
and your body, helps you to uncover why you sabotage yourself, and how to stop it – once and for all.

My comprehensive program is designed to be your ultimate source of education and
transformation, covering all aspects of your life!

What previous clients are saying

Lauren, UTP Graduate who lost over 80lNATURALLY using tools from the program. No crash diets, no fad cleanses, pills, shots! 

Start your journey

Results you'll experience...

- Heal your relationship with food and achieve your dream body
- Living in a high vibration state of being
- Fulfillment within all areas of your life
-Deep and fulfilling relationships, starting with yourself
- Effectively cut out toxic relationships 
- Heal from trauma & it's negative effects
- Fall in love with yourself, learning to prioritize you first
 - Gain absolute clarity on your dreams & how to achieve them
- Eliminate negative self talk 
- Step into your divine feminine & radiate confidence
- Pluck the root causes of your fears & step into your power

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The Ultimate Transformation Program?


Two 1:1 Solo Sessions
 with Nikki

There’s nothing like getting encouragement, inspiration, and support straight from the source. With your 30-minute private sessions with Nikki, you’ll get answers to the burning questions that have held you back for so long, as well as experience the true clarity that comes with her compassionate guidance and support.

Session one occurs in the first month of the program, while the second 1:1 call will take place in month four, where you'll get to share the changes you've experienced and learn how to keep your results for years to come.

Private WhatsApp Community

Your Ultimate Transformation Program includes access to a highly engaging and supportive private WhatsApp community of like-minded individuals on a journey to discovering the greatness within themselves!

Connect with Nikki any time you want with this supportive community that is complete with resources, videos, and daily Q&A from Nikki. Get all your questions answered, receive feedback on your progress, and be inspired by the daily posts she shares.

This is a community favorite and one of the best aspects of UTP.  Throughout four months you'll feel seen, supported and encouraged. Share your wins, ask questions, and get total clarity.

Daily Goals, Resources + HW

To enhance your learning and understanding of each week's topic, you'll be provided detailed session notes in your membership portal. These are in addition to the in-depth homework created by Nikki that will assist in your healing journey.

In addition, you'll be prompted in WhatsApp with questions to help you stay on track and keep motivated, as well as to show support for fellow members. These will consist of Q&A format, providing feedback to your queries, podcast episodes, YouTube videos to watch, meditations to try and more.




Creating Your Own Dream Binder

Unique to the Ultimate Transformation Program, you will learn the exact methodology to create your own Dream Binder - guaranteed to provide results. This is yours to keep forever and will become one of your most cherished possessions.

Dive deep into your subconscious mind through the guided exercises and walk away knowing how to handle any challenge that comes your way. 

The Dream Binder is the ultimate tool for removing fears from your life and learning how to manifest anything you want. This will become the storybook of your life.


i want transformation

A Transformation Partner + Friends For Life

Unique to this program, you will be paired with a woman of similar age, background, goals, and challenges. Together you will feel supported during this journey while also encouraging your partner. Past clients love their TP's as this is someone who will "get you" more than those in your life. It's very common for TP's to meet in real life and become great friends. In addition to your Transformation Partner, you will make new friends throughout the incredible community. You'll meet women who will light you up, inspire you, and help you along your journey. 
(Pictured: Nikki meeting Olga and Fiona, past UTP clients and former Transformation Partners in person. They have become close friends, meeting up multiple times.)


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What clients are saying about

The Ultimate Transformation Program

Dive deep into the Dream Binder like never before with pre-recorded content that you can watch on your own time

Each week a pre-recorded video will be uploaded to your membership portal pertaining to that week’s topic. This will assist you in organizing your very own Dream Binder which becomes a catalyst to the change you want to see. 

Gain a greater awareness of your own limiting beliefs and fears and learn how to move through any challenge. Begin to plant the seeds of desire for all areas of your life, and work on exercises to help you achieve a greater sense of control, intuition in your life, and removal of all self judgement.

Be guided through detailed workbooks, journal prompts, exercises + more

And there’s more...

The community

The program's vibrant community offers a supportive space for members to connect, share insights, and uplift each other on their transformative journeys.

Through collaborative engagement and shared experiences, participants foster deep connections and find strength in unity as they navigate their paths to personal growth.


Transformative Connections

"It's [UTP] the best soul searching thing I've ever done. You feel like you’re doing it yourself but you're not. you have a guide showing you the way. So you feel like you're in control which is a really cool feeling because you're planning your destiny, but you're letting go of control to see better results. it’s actually like a toolbox to your destiny."

Ebba, UTP graduate

"Nikki’s UTP program has been truly transformational. I used to have a toxic relationship with myself and didn’t know how to deal with fear, anger, shame and not-enoughness. Through this program, I learned to process difficult emotions, recovered my relationship with myself, and have so much self-love and compassion. What I love about his program is it touches on all different aspects of life, and Nikki gives practical tools we can use everyday. I got a dream job right after completing UTP and the best part is it came effortlessly! I am more confident, happier and healthier. I can’t recommend this program enough!"

Kara, UTP graduate

" I am so so thankful to have found Nikki and the Ultimate Transformation Program and to get to be a part of this beautiful community of amazing woman who are all growing together. I truly believe that my life is permanently changed because of it. It gave me the courage to change my path, the ability to trust in life's timing, the coaching to see what fears were holding me back in life, and the community to push me forward. It was truly the most valuable monetary and time investment I have ever spent on myself and I would 100% do it all over again."

Mikayla, UTP graduate

What previous clients are saying

Join  today & get access to life-changing COACHING + EXERCISES for a fraction of the usual price

The Ultimate Transformation Program includes:

16 Pre-Recorded Training Modules Available On Your Member Portal

16 LIVE Video Sessions With Nikki With Live Hot Seat Coaching

BONUS: After Graduation, Get Access To The Private UTP Monthly Membership

BONUS: 1 Additional Month To Integrate, Have Community & Get Nikki's Support

BONUS: Two Private 1:1 Sessions With Nikki  

Detailed Call Notes, Workbooks & Highly Effective Homework Assignments 

Online Portal With Access To Pre-Recorded And Live Videos, Notes, Surveys And Additional Tools

An Invitation To Private Members-Only WhatsApp Group

Daily Check-Ins + Immediate Feedback From Nikki On WhatsApp

Guaranteed Transformation In All Areas Of Your Life

Your Own Dream Binder, A Toolbox You'll Keep For Years To Come

TOTAL VALUE: Over $20,000!!!


Testimonials from people 

like you

apply NOW

  • You are ready to embrace change and unlock your potential

  • You are eager to rewrite your story and reclaim your power

  • You are seeking support on your transformative journey

  • You are committed to doing the inner work and stepping into your fullest self

  • You are ready to invest in yourself in order to see incredible results!

UTP is for you if...

UTP is NOT for you if...

  • You have a victim mentality, blame others or external circumstances 

  • You are resistant to facing discomfort for growth

  • You are seeking quick fixes over true transformation

  • Unwilling to confront inner shadows for growth.

  • You don't want to invest time/ energy/ money  in your future self.

I’ve assisted clients manifest the partner of their dreams, overcome severe eating disorders, find a job that sparks their purpose and passion in life. There isn’t one challenge that this program hasn’t been able to heal.

The answers are all within you – I’m here to guide you, support you, and help you get the results you are ready to see!

Do you feel you've done everything to lose weight but feel hopeless you’ll never see results you want? Do you obsess over food and your body image? Do you want to feel in control of your life, but feel you're constantly spiraling out of control? Do you feel you lack a deeper community of people like yourself?

Let Me Guess, You Struggle With These...

The good news my love, is that I’m here to help you work through ALL of these.

What clients are saying about

The Ultimate Transformation Program

- Are you feeling frustrated by the lack of results showing up in your life?
-Looking for clarity in your life? 
-Tired of wondering if “you’re doing it right?” 
- Feeling stuck in inaction because you feel like you’ve already tried everything and don’t know where to go next? 
- Overwhelmed by the fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone? 
- Sick of re-living the same boring year over and over again?
- Need someone to make things simple? To show you the way? To prove to you that, YES, you can do it too?
- Feeling burnt out from working hard and chasing your dreams with little to show for it?
- Tired of looking for the secret hidden strategies that all successful people supposedly know that for some reason you don’t?
- Want to take your life from “meh, it’s okay” to “holy sh*t this is amazing?”
- Frustrated that no matter what diet or exercise plan you haven’t seen the results you want?

Do any of the following sound like you?

If you answered yes to even one of the questions above      

is for you.

The Ultimate Transformation Program  

click here to apply!

It’s your time to step into the life you’ve dreamed of!

You have confidence in your body, you feel great with how you look, and you radiate from within. Your relationships inspire you, you feel passionate about your life and best of all, you know exactly how to handle a challenging moment. Gone are the days of binging, self-sabotage and comparing to others.

Picture yourself six months from now


Are you ready to step into this version of yourself?
Now is your chance by joining


I’m living proof that anything you can dream – you can achieve!

This past July I married the man of my dreams; the guy I wrote down on paper in my Dream Binder in 2015, under “Dream Partner.” Everything from my engagement ring to my dress were put on paper throughout the years – to which every single one has happened (and it sometimes even shocks me how many things I wished for are coming true!).

Here’s the best part: every single item that I have dreamed, manifested, and turned into reality – you can too!

Let me back up through. You probably know me as the creator of the 5 Day Detox program, author, and podcast host of A Sharper Life.

You may have seen me on TV, read one of my interviews in a magazine, or follow my daily advice on Instagram.

Besides all of this, the most important thing I have done is helped hundreds of thousands of men and women worldwide to change their life by understanding the mind-body-soul connection.

My methodology is unique – I hold up a “spiritual mirror” to allow you to see into your subconscious mind and gain awareness of the limiting beliefs and fears that control your life.

Together we remove these fears, or pluck the weeds as I like to say, which then leaves an empty space. This is where you then drop in the seeds of desire and follow through with daily habits to help your wishes turn into reality.

We do this through the Dream Binder, a modality only available in UTP, in tandem with my coaching which is based on neuroscience, psychology and spirituality.

Everything I do is focused on helping you see the maximum amount of change in the shortest amount of time. My program is one-of-a-kind and the results you will see are unparalleled to anything else out there.

Although I’m a dreamer, believer, and doer... my life hasn’t always been this way!

I have overcome two eating disorders, anxiety, depressions, a sleeping pill addiction, trying everything possible to heal my acne of 12 years, and feeling like a fraud, just to name a few.

During these arduous years, I saw doctors, nutritionists, and therapists - and in the end, I learned a lesson that very few are willing to accept: healing had to come WITHIN. That no one else could do it for me.

I became passionate about health and mental wellness and took courses/became certified in raw food + sports nutrition, meditation, Ayurveda and yoga.

I became a yoga instructor, did my vegan chef training, and joined Tony Robbins year-long Platinum Partnership, one of the most expensive investments in yourself.

I studied with the "Body Whisperer," Sheila Kelley, Alison Armstrong, and Miss Jaiya, an award-winning Somatic Sexologist. And these are just a few of the experts I've spent over 10,000 hours learning from.

Hi! I’m Nikki Sharp

Through all of these, I have cherry picked the best information from what I've learned and will teach you during UTP. Combined with my unique coaching methodology that’s based on neuroscience, psychology and spirituality and the Dream Binder, this is truly a one-of-a-kind program.

It’s my greatest pleasure to help you achieve the same kinds of results that I have had.

To leave you feeling empowered, in control and excited about your life, no matter what is thrown at you.

And I can’t wait to have you join me March 20 for four months!

Testimonials from people 

like you

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"UTP was definitely a life-changing experience for me! Today, I’m a more empowered, confident, liberated, independent and stronger person. I’m so glad that I invested my time, money and energy into it. I highly recommend anyone who has not done any self-work to seriously consider going for UTP. And even if you’ve done it before, I believe UTP serves as a good pit stop and refresher in your life journey."

Serena, UTP graduate

“Before working with Nikki [in UTP], I had a horrible relationship with my body, with exercise, with food, and it was affecting all of my relationships. Now I'm a graduate student at Harvard University and I truly wouldn't be here without her. I wouldn't have believed in myself enough to become this person and now I look the way I've always wanted to. I feel like I've completely healed my relationship with food, which I couldn't even imagine saying any of those sentences before meeting Nikki."

Anna, UTP graduate

"Before working with Nikki, I felt like I was all over the place – I was bloated all the time, gained 10lbs, stress levels were high, I had poor self- esteem, and also had a negative attitude towards the closest people in my life. She helped me to be my own health guru and gave me the tools to transform my mind and my body. I would totally recommend program as it was life changing. Going through it was the greatest gift I ever gave myself and I truly can’t thank her enough."

Victoria, UTP graduate

What previous clients are saying

Commonly asked questions...

What time/days are the calls? And what if i can't make it live?

Live calls are every Wednesday at 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm UK, starting in September. We have women joining from all over the world, so even if you cannot make every call - it's recommended to still join the program. You can also submit any questions in the WhatsApp group or emailing Nikki prior if you cannot make them live. Each session is then recorded and saved to your membership dashboard, along with session notes. You will also be assigned a Transformation Partner to keep you motivated for the duration of the program.

Are there payment plans available?

Yes! This program has been set up to help you succeed in all your goals and we do offer payment plans to help you get the life-changing content while it being a financially viable option.

what results will i see from the program?

This program will help you transform every aspect of your life, results guaranteed (or your money back). You’ll gain newfound confidence that has a positive impact on all areas, you will deepen your relationships and find them to be more fulfilling. You will learn how to overcome being a people pleaser and how to set boundaries without feeling guilty. In the realm of nutrition and fitness, you’ll understand what you need to do for YOUR body and break the cycle of dieting once and for all. If it's a goal, you'll lose weight and learn how to keep it off for good! You will begin to wake up with clarity around your purpose, your career, and find a lightness that inspires you to continue on your path. On top of these, you’ll begin manifesting everything you want as the Dream Binder enables you to get total clarity on your goals and how to get there. 

why do i need to apply before joining?

The Ultimate Transformation Program is unlike anything else available. Because of this and the dedication you will need to give of your time + energy for the duration, it's important that we know you are committed and ready to put in the work. 

After applying, you will do a Discovery Call with Nikki. Depending on if she feels it is the right fit for you, you will receive an exclusive invitation to join.

This is one of the best investments you'll ever give yourself (so much so, that many people do the program more than once!) and in order to guarantee the results you'll see, we need to make sure it's a right fit. 

Do you give us a nutrition plan?

You will not receive a specific nutrition plan because every person has different nutritional needs and foods that work/don’t work for their body. Depending on where you live the way you should eat changes due to the seasons, and the approach to seeing the results you want will also vary. What you will learn is how to eat for YOUR body, no matter the season, if you travel, go to dinner, or want to follow a specific plan. The results you will see from the Ultimate Transformation Program are life-changing and have helped clients around the world overcome severe eating disorders, body dysmorphia, fear of food and carbs and allowed freedom around meals.  

I don't have the time or money right now to join.

If you're interested in the Ultimate Transformation Program, I would ask you: what EXACTLY is holding you back now from joining? Think about where you spend your TIME, ENERGY, and MONEY. The most common pushbacks on not joining are that you don't have time - UTP will actually give you time BACK. You'll learn where you're spending extra energy on things that are not getting you closer to your goals. And actually pushing you further away from them. When it comes to money, or if you're currently in debt and cannot justify the cost, UTP helps you clear your debt. You'll learn where you're self-sabotaging by spending your money on things that keep you in a loop of suffering and collecting more debt. There has not been one single person who enters UTP that doesn't clear debt, save money, increase their salary, and find more time in their day. Now is YOUR chance to do the same!

i want to join but don't like sharing in groups.

This is understandable. You've been taught to keep your suffering to yourself and believe others will judge you if you open up. UTP is unlike anything you've every experienced as the community aspect helps you learn how safe it is to share, and by doing so you see more results. If you feel LONELY in your life, or like you cannot talk to your closest friends or family about your challenges, UTP will become a safe haven for you to listen to others going through similar challenges, where you all support one another. In my experience with this program, the people who are the shyest to share become the ones who open up the most - and in turn, see the most results.


We have members from literally every area on the planet join. Some make all the calls live, some watch them later in the week. The main thing is that you watch them whenever you can - being live does have benefits, but it SHOULD NOT prevent you from joining. All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the private membership website. Each week you’ll receive one pre-recorded video that goes over the content for the Dream Binder and areas to focus on. This will be reflected with the questions and prompts in the workbook where you’ll have time to work on the homework prior to the live call. Each live call you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, get help, share your stories and experience and get 1:1 coaching by Nikki. You can also email or ask questions in the WhatsApp group to have Nikki answer them on the live calls if you cannot attend.

will i be able to get a refund?

All sales are full and final and refunds will not be issued. Please review the Terms & Conditions below for more information. We’re confident that the community and content are that mind-expanding, heart-opening and soul-nourishing, though, that you really, truly won’t want to leave! The one caveat of refunds is if you join, complete the program in full and do not see results you can request money back. (Although this has never happened as women see such dramatic shifts in their life!).

can i gift utp to a friend or family member?

Absolutely. This is one of the best gifts you could give to yourself or someone else. This question has been asked many times from UTP graduates, which shows the power of the program. Please contact if you'd like to gift UTP. Please note: we do recommend speaking to the recipient first as UTP is a deep-dive into yourself and your life, and not everyone is ready to face themselves.